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Orange County Internal Injury Attorneys

Helping Those Suffering from Organ Damage

Many of us have suffered traumatizing accidents in our lives. Whether it be a collision with a vehicle, a slip at the pool, or a defective product blowing up in our face, we all know how scary these accidents can be. What is even scarier, however, is when an accident leaves us suffering from an invisible injury: organ damage.

Damage to your organs is one of the worst injuries you can suffer. Internal trauma can be difficult for medical professionals to treat and will often require extensive surgeries, medications, and physical therapy to fix. Even after your treatment ends, it is still possible that you will be left with a lifelong disability. Why should you suffer for so long from an accident that wasn’t even your fault? If you or a loved one have suffered organ damage due to someone else’s negligence, then we at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie want to help. Our Orange County personal injury attorneys are dedicated to providing legal support to those in need, and we are ready to offer you our more than 40 years of experience. If we sound like the right firm for you, call us at (949) 752-7474.

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How Organ Damage Happens

Organ damage is a common way you can become injured following a serious accident. Any accident that inflicts a high enough force on your body has a high chance of causing serious internal trauma. These kinds of injuries are particularly dangerous, as they may not be immediately noticeable, unlike a burn or laceration. Common kinds of accidents that can cause organ damage include:

What ever accident caused your injuries, you are likely facing extreme consequences. Internal trauma is incredibly dangerous. While a cut to your arm or a broken bone in your leg may be clear just from a quick look over, an internal injury can be ignored for days or even weeks. Not all internal injuries are immediately fatal, but if left untreated for too long, they are likely to take your life.

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The Different Kinds of Organ Damage

Just as there are many different kinds of organs, there are also many different ways that you can suffer internal damage. Some kinds of internal damage are not as immediately as serious as other kinds, but they can all have catastrophic consequences if left untreated. Following a serious accident, you should always seek medical assistance, even if you don’t feel injured. Shock and adrenaline often mask immediate pain, and internal damage may not be noticeable on the surface of your body.

Lungs: The lungs are protected by the ribs, which make sure that even when your chest is hit with a high enough force, your lungs are able to keep operating as normal. However, it is possible that your ribs can break and potentially puncture one or both of your lungs. Broken ribs are also less capable of protecting your lungs, which can lead to your lungs collapsing. Both kinds of injuries can be fatal if not treated fast enough.

Heart: Your heart is responsible for keeping blood flowing through your body. Like your lungs, it is protected by the ribs. However, a hard-enough blow to the chest could lead to bruising, tears, or ruptures. All of which can hinder the regulation of blood throughout the body.

Brain: Brain damage is a serious issue. While the brain is protected by the skull, a sudden impact or jerking motion can cause the brain to slam against hard bone. If this is done with enough force, it can lead to bruising or bleeding, both of which could have serious ramifications, and even be fatal.

Abdomen: The abdomen houses many organs, including the liver, the spleen, and both intestines. Unlike your chest, the abdomen doesn’t have any protective layers of bone, so when it’s hit by something, there is little to stop the force from causing damage. In car accidents especially, the abdomen is often heavily bruised by seatbelts and steering wheels.

Kidneys: Our kidneys help filter the food and liquids we take in, getting rid of any toxic material that could be harmful to our bodies. A bruised or torn kidney, both of which are common injuries from auto accidents, can be extremely dangerous.

Blood vessels: Veins, arteries, and capillaries are not technically organs, but are responsible for blood flow through the body. If your blood vessels are torn due to an accident, especially an artery, that can lead to internal bleeding. Just as you can bleed out from a severe cut, you can also bleed out from a torn blood vessel. Internal bleeding is one of the leading causes of death when it comes to internal trauma.

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Watching Out for the Symptoms

As we have said, internal injuries may not be immediately noticeable. After being in a major car accident, your body will likely pump you full of adrenaline in order to allow you to ignore the pain of your injuries and get to a place of safety. That adrenaline can be a double-edged sword, however. If you can’t see any immediate damage, and you can’t feel any pain, you may assume that you managed to escape the accident completely injury-free. With internal trauma, that assumption can be fatal. Which is why you should look out for telltale signs that you have suffered from organ damage. Common symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drowsiness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Swelling
  • Chest pain
  • Memory loss
  • Yellowing of the skin
  • Sudden weakness or dizziness
  • Pain in your abdomen or chest
  • Sudden infections
  • Shortness of breath

If you begin to experience these symptoms following an accident, you should seek medical attention immediately. It is entirely possible that you have suffered from serious organ damage. Organ damage can be fatal if left untreated. Nothing is more important than your health or being there for your family and loved ones. If you suspect organ damage, speak to a doctor and ask them to run the proper tests. It may just save your life.

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Recovering Compensation After Catastrophic Trauma

Time and time again we at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie have seen just how devastating accidents can be, especially those caused by negligent individuals. Organ damage requires time and careful treatment to heal properly, and even then, a missing lung or scarred heart is likely to restrict your abilities for a lifetime. If you have suffered organ trauma due to someone else’s negligence, then you deserve justice. Contact our firm at (949) 752-7474 for a helping hand and a strong legal plan developed by a skilled Orange County internal injury lawyer. We want to support you and your case.

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Internal Injury Verdicts and Settlements

  • $2,700,000 - Client suffered severe pelvic and internal injuries after she was struck by a trash truck
  • $1,000,000 - Client sustained severe major internal injuries in pedestrian accident

Click here for more case results.

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You were wonderful throughout my case. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain the process so that I could feel comfortable. When I was hurt, I really did not know where to turn and Suzanne was comforting and knowledgable. Thanks again for all you did.

- H.P.

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We're sorry about what happened to you. It shouldn't have, and that's why we do what we do - go after justice for people who were injured by someone else. You're not alone. Reach out, engage with us, and contribute your expertise to the process. This is a relationship - we can learn just as much from you as you can from us!

After all, it's your needs we're fulfilling. If you want a great Orange County personal injury attorney who you can trust, contact Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie.

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Get In Touch

Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie
4400 MacArthur Blvd Ste 370
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Toll Free: (888) 752-7474
Local: (949) 752-7474
Email: contactus@allenflatt.com

OC Organ Injury Attorney Disclaimer: The information on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should formally consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Please be advised, however, contacting us, submitting a case to us, and/or discussing your case with us does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

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