blog home Car Accidents Safety Tips The Smartest New Year’s Resolutions You Might Ever Make!

The Smartest New Year’s Resolutions You Might Ever Make!

By Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie on January 11, 2022

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With a fresh year now in full motion, if you’re like most of us, you’ve made several new year resolutions you whole-heartedly planned and expect to keep. From increased fitness programs and debt resolution—to more time spent with family and frequent vacations—the list can be endless. But some of the smartest and most important resolutions—that could actually extend your life—are about being safer on the roads.

As personal injury attorneys Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie, we see first-hand the life-changing devastation car accidents can cause. So our attorneys at have put together a list of eight, new year driving resolutions we hope you find thought-provoking.

No matter what your professional and personal vision and goals may be in 2022, we wish you a year filled with great health, laughter, and big (and safe) adventures.

1. Resolve to not be a distracted driver

Distracted driving remains a dangerous and causes a high death rate on U.S roads. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration distracted driving claimed 3,142 lives in 2019. These numbers can be reduced by having drivers do the following safety tips:

  • Put your cell phone down and focus on the road.
  • Don’t text and drive.
  • Set your destination in your navigation before heading out on the road.
  • Speak up when you’re a passenger and your driver uses an electronic device while driving.
  • Resolve to remain an engaged driver even when new advanced driver assistance safety (ADAS) technologies are in use.

2. Resolve to not drive aggressively

A AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study found that regardless of gender, nearly 8 in 10 (79%) American drivers demonstrate aggressive behaviors when behind the wheel. Speeding 15 mph over the freeway speed limit topped the list. Other aggressive driving behaviors include tailgating, merging dangerously, and making rude gestures or honking.

In 2022, resolve to avoid aggressive driving and road rage scenarios with these AAA tips.

  • Don’t Offend: Never cause another driver to change their speed or direction. That means not forcing another driver to use their brakes, or turn the steering wheel in response to something you have done.
  • Be Tolerant and Forgiving: The other driver may just be having a really bad day. Assume that it’s not personal.
  • Do Not Respond: Avoid eye contact, don’t make gestures, maintain space around your vehicle and contact 9-1-1 if needed.

3. Resolve not to drive impaired

The NHTSA says many substances can impair driving, including alcohol, some over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and illegal drugs.

In 2022 it is important to:

  • Designate a sober driver.
  • Call a cab or use a service like Uber or Lyft to get home safely.
  • Download NHTSA’s SaferRide mobile app, available on Google Play for Android devices and Apple’s iTunes Store for iOS devices. It allows users to call a taxi or a predetermined friend and identifies the user’s location so he or she can be picked up safe and sound.
  • Take the keys from impaired friends.

4. Resolve not to speed or run red lights

In 2019, speeding killed 9,478 people, and nearly half of those killed were not wearing seat belts according to NHTSA stats. Running red lights is also a problem. In 2019, the AAA also reported a 10-year high in red light deaths in the U.S., with 939 people killed in red light running crashes in 2017. In 2022, resolve to obey the speed limit and avoid running red lights.

5. Resolve to slow down for First Responders and Roadside Assistance

Resolve to slow down for roadside assistance personnel as well as first responders assisting motorists or at crash scenes.

6. Resolve to know your driving limitations due to age or a medical condition

Whether it’s a medical condition, or simply getting older, it’s difficult to consider giving up your keys.  But some medical conditions and things that occur naturally as we age can lead to dangerous driving. For example, seeing at night is one thing that can become more difficult as our eyes change as we get older. Resolve to be aware of your health and how it may be impacting your driving skills and then discuss the situation with a family member and your doctor.

7. Resolve not to drive when you’re tired

The NHTSA reports that there were 697 deaths from drowsy driving-related crashes in 2019.  In 2022 resolve to:

  • Get more sleep.
  • Be aware of medications you are taking that may cause drowsiness.
  • Get off the road at the first sign of being drowsy at the wheel. Signs include:
    • The inability to recall the last few miles traveled.
    • Having disconnected or wandering thoughts.
    • Having difficulty focusing or keeping your eyes open.
    • Feeling as though your head is very heavy.
    • Drifting out of your driving lane, perhaps driving on the rumble strips.
    • Yawning repeatedly.
    • Accidentally tailgating other vehicles.
    • Missing traffic signs.

8. Resolve to always wear your seatbelt

We hope you’re doing this already, but if not, resolve to always wear your seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt saves lives.  In new stats from the NHTSA,  47% of speeding drivers in fatal crashes were not wearing seatbelts.

We hope that these eight safety tips help you drive safer reduce the possibility of an accident. Car accidents can lead to lifelong injuries, including paralysis, brain damage, and chronic pain. Covering the costs of these injuries and adjusting to your life can take thousands to millions of dollars. If you were hit by a negligent driver, your only option may be to file an auto accident claim.

Instead of dealing with the driver’s insurance company on your own, let the Orange County car accident attorneys at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie handle the process for you. We have more than 45 years of experience and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. We work on a contingency-fee basis, meaning you do not have to pay us a dime unless we win your case. To schedule a free case evaluation with our team, call (949) 752-7474 today.

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