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Types of Car Accidents

Information from Orange County Personal Injury Lawyers

A car accident can be life-changing for everyone involved. Most people find themselves dealing with a fender bender or other minor accident at some point in their lives, but it’s a whole other story if that accident results in serious injury, or in the worst cases, wrongful death.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a serious crash, it’s important to work with an Orange County car accident attorney. Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie has the compassion, experience, and knowledge to guide you through the complicated process of filing your claim, representing your case, and recovering the financial compensation you are rightfully owed.

There are many different types of car accidents, but the majority of them can be classified as one of the following:

  • Head-On Collision: This type of car accident can be one of the most dangerous. It can be caused by something as frightening as another driver heading towards oncoming traffic, or it can be as simple as a driver making an incorrect turn. Either way, a head-on collision at high speeds can lead to fatal injuries.
  • Rear-End Collision: Rear-end collisions typically occur when one driver fails to brake in time at a red light or a stop sign, resulting in a collision with the backside of the other vehicle.
  • Side-Impact Collision: A side-impact collision, otherwise known as a T-bone, can be especially dangerous. It occurs when one car hits another car on either the left-hand or right-hand side.
  • Multi-Vehicle Pileups: Multi-vehicle collisions often result in multiple victims with severe injuries. They frequently occur on freeways with low-visibility conditions, and other areas that involve motorists traveling at high speeds. Car accidents that involve multiple vehicles are particularly deadly. This is due to the difficulty that survivors face when trying to escape from the mass of crumpled vehicles.

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Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents can occur for any number of reasons, such as:

  • Intoxicated or impaired driving: Operating any vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense. Not only can it land a driver in jail, but it also puts everyone else on the road in serious danger.
  • Cell phone use: Using a cell phone when driving substantially increases the risk of a car accident. Even if the driver is not texting, he often keeps one hand off the wheel. It can also distract the driver by calling attention away from the road.
  • Distracted driving: Whenever someone is doing an activity that diverts her attention from driving, it’s a distraction. This can include cell phone use, eating or drinking, reaching in the backseat for an item, or even adjusting the radio.
  • Speeding: Speed limits are in place for a reason. They prevent motorists from driving recklessly and keep cars moving along at a safe speed. When a driver neglects to follow the speed limit, the situation can quickly turn dangerous.
  • Driving in hazardous weather conditions: Rainy conditions require drivers to act more cautiously. When the pavement is slick from rainfall, it can be much more difficult to brake properly or make turns.
  • Vehicle defects: Sometimes, the driver isn’t to blame at all. Crashes can occur due to a defect in the vehicle itself. It could involve a malfunctioning brake system, steering wheel, or anything else that affects the car’s ability to handle.

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Determining Fault for Different Types of Car Accidents

If you or a loved has been the victim of a car accident, you want to hold the right parties accountable. Unfortunately, this can be a complicated and confusing process, considering the many different types and causes of car accidents. While crashes caused by the negligence of another driver appear to be straightforward, it’s a different story when it was a multi-vehicle collision or the result of a defect in the vehicle.

Car accidents that involve intoxication, distracted driving, and similar negligence often mean the liability is placed upon one party – the at-fault driver. If this happens, you could file a claim against that individual to receive financial compensation that covers your medical expenses.

When it comes to multi-vehicle pileups, the question of liability is more difficult to pin down. California is a “comparative fault” state. For example, if it is shown that you were 40% responsible for a multi-vehicle accident, you would only receive 40% of your original claim.

For accidents that are caused by vehicle defects, the victim may be able to file a civil suit against the manufacturer or organization responsible for the malfunctioning part. To recover damages in a product liability case, it must be proven that the defendant was responsible for designing or manufacturing the part, that the victim used the part in the correct manner, and that the defective part caused the accident.

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After a Car Accident, Work With a Legal Team That Can Help

No matter what happened to you, we are here to help. Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie is dedicated to giving victims peace of mind by fighting for their right to receive financial compensation for their injuries. A car accident can be disorienting, frightening, and confusing, so it’s best to work with an experienced car accident attorney who can help you understand all your legal options. Contact our Newport Beach office at (949) 752-7474 for more information.

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Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie
4400 MacArthur Blvd Ste 370
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Toll Free: (888) 752-7474
Local: (949) 752-7474
Email: contactus@allenflatt.com

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