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Do You Know What To Do After A Car Accident?

Unfortunately, most of us will probably be involved in a car accident at some point. Though you may not be able to guess exactly how you’ll react to a crash, knowing what to expect can make this unpleasant experience less overwhelming.

what to do immediately after the accident

Take a few deep breaths to process what’s happened. Once you’re ready, take the following steps:

how to respond to the insurance company

After you return home, call your insurance company to notify them of the accident. If you do speak with the adverse vehicle’s insurance company do not provide them with any recorded statements. The statements are used for their purpose only and can be confusing and your statement may be taken out of context. I highly suggest that you contact an Orange County car accident attorney to find out your rights before proceeding.

post accident self care

Coping with an accident isn’t just about nursing physical injuries. Your mental health is equally as important. You may feel a mix of emotions from shock and disbelief to anger or guilt. Don’t hesitate to share the experience with loved ones or a professional counselor. If you’re still having trouble feeling comfortable behind the wheel after a few weeks consider taking a defensive driving course.

Even minor accidents can have serious effects so give yourself time to recover and make sure you seek the necessary medical attention as soon as possible. If you do not have the funds to pay for a doctor or you have a high deductible on your health insurance, call our office and ask for help.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie provide reliable legal representation you may need to protect your rights and we can advise you whether or not an accident may warrant legal action. We offer a free consultation, so call us at 949-752-7474 to schedule your free consultation today.

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