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Why You Need a Lawyer to Handle Your Department Store or Supermarket Injury Claim

Millions of people all over Southern California venture into grocery stores and department stores on shopping trips but never consider the possibility they might suffer serious injury. Department store and supermarket accidents are far more common than many people realize. Serious injuries in stores may be caused by a slip, trip and fall accident, falling merchandise that is improperly stacked, and other types of hazards. Those who hold their business open to the public like a retail store have a legal obligation under California premises liability law to make the premises reasonably safe for patrons and/or to warn patrons regarding potential non-obvious hazards.

Important Issues Personal Injury Attorneys in California Investigate and Analyze

Our California personal injury attorneys understand the importance of a careful investigation of retail store accidents before critical evidence disappears, accident reports are conveniently misplaced, or essential witnesses disappear. There is often a wide variety of evidence that may be available to establish that store management or employees did not take sufficient care to protect patrons from injury. This evidence is essential to establish certain key liability issues, including the following:

Lawsuits involving accidents in supermarkets, shopping mall stores, and chain stores are typically very fact intensive. This means it is imperative that you work with an experienced California personal injury attorney that handles many such cases and conducts thorough investigations of the facts and circumstances of such accidents. Our law firm often uses industry experts who are in a position to testify about industry practices regarding safe flooring, proper maintenance, and safe procedures for storing and stacking merchandise.

Common Causes of Injuries to Shoppers in California Malls and Markets

While there are virtually an unlimited number of ways someone can be injured in a retail store accident, some common factors that cause injury include the following:

Our California accident lawyers zealously represent those injured in grocery stores, department stores, warehouse stores, or other retail store, including but not limited to the following:

These companies have significant resources for litigation and handle many prospective lawsuits. Our California personal injury attorneys have the experience, resources, and skill to effectively litigate your retail store accident case and seek full compensation for your injuries, which may include lost income, hospital and medical expenses, disability and disfigurement, pain and suffering and other appropriate compensation.

Diligent Advocates for California Retail Store Accident Victims

Our California lawyers recognize the struggles that you may face if you or someone you love has been injured while shopping in a Southern California department store or supermarket. We provide tenacious presentation of the facts and legal issues as well as carefully crafted litigation strategies. Our California premises liability attorneys are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Because we bill clients exclusively on a contingency fee arrangement, you do not owe any attorney fees until we have obtained a recovery in your case. Our attorneys handle cases on a statewide basis across all of California. Our lawyers at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie offer a free consultation so call us at 888-752-7474 to schedule your free consultation today!

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